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Friday, July 31, 2009

Problem with HP 90s series cartridges

There seems to be an issue with HP 90 series cartridges, most notably the #93, 95, and 97 cartridges, and to a lesser extent the HP 60 series cartridges.

These cartridges, both original OEM and refilled cartridges, will give an electrical error telling the user that either the cartridge cannot be recognized or that the wrong cartridge is installed. Generally the cartridge will work initially until an error appears.

I use a Deskjet 6940 at the store, and have been using up some introductory HP 97 (OEM) cartridges in it. But periodically, the color cartridge light will flash, telling me that the cartridge cannot be recognized. I will turn the printer off and then on again, and the black cartridge light will flash. I will once again turn the printer off and then on again, and the printer will function fine for a while until the whole cycle repeats itself.

I just wanted to let our customers know that there does seem to be an issue with these cartridges, but the problem is showing up in original HP cartridges just as often as it is in our refilled HP cartridges. We do test the electrical systems prior to refilling and after refilling to be sure we are packaging a working cartridge. The problem seems to indicate that there is an issue with the printer (maybe certain printers?) reading the circuits of the cartridge consistently.

I would love to hear from you if you have seen this problem and have any more information or insights regarding it.


  1. I had a problem with this kind of problem with the HP D2560 using an introductory HP 60 cartridge. I had the introductory cartridge refilled for about 4 times before It got the error that the cartridge cannot be detected, I bought an OEM cartridge and it is working fine now. I tried refilling the color cartridge my self but I am having problems with the yellow, it seems that the yellow ink is not printing. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Thank you for your comments. We have definitely seen the "cartrdige not detected" errors with the HP 60 cartridges, and they have all been OEM problems since we do not yet refill these.

    As far as the problem with the yellow ink, we do not advocate self-refill kits. There could be any number of problems that would cause the problem you are describing: wrong type of ink for the cartridge, air bubbles in the sponge (which is why we refill in a vacuum chamber), drid up ink in the sponge, the needle could puncture a hole in the screen under the is hard to say exactly why one color would not print.

    Once we have the proper ink for these cartridges and the proper fixtures, we will begin offering these as refilled cartridges.

    Thanks again for your comments.
